Our Mission

To provide you the client with tools to aide you in your journey of change.  To aide you in unlocking the doors that give access to freedom that comes with making positive changes in the area of your choice, such as personal change, relationship changes, or career changes in order to create the life you desire.

Services we offer:

  • Individual Counseling

  • Mental Health Counseling

  • Family/ Marriage Counseling

  • Faith based counseling for those desiring this approach.

  • Addictions Counseling

  • Hypnotherapy and NLP

  • Telehealth Sessions using HIPPA compliant platform

Monte and Sandy Drenner have been amazing and influential in leading me to a transformed life. I have known them for 15 years and have seen their wisdom, love, dedication and perseverance help many people through challenging times. Any decision to partner with them in a new life beginning is certainly an inspired one!